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Proceed and Answer Questions


Question : 1 of 25

Study the picture and text and answer the question.
What is karaoke?

attachment : 83131329125.png

a) a type of dance
b) mixing different music tracks together
c) singing along while a song plays
d) the name of a phone

Question : 2 of 25

What is another word for "purify"?

a) clean
b) dirty
c) soiled
d) wet

Question : 3 of 25

Study the picture and text and answer the question.
What is another word for tune in the poster?

attachment : 83131326145.png

a) sing
b) melody
c) phone
d) give attitude

Question : 4 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

Stood on a great plain in the falling snow;
Ten thousand soldiers marched to and fro:
Looking for you and me, my dear, looking for you and me.
Which option is a synonym for "to and fro"?

a) back and forth
b) step and up
c) in and out
d) here and there

Question : 5 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

Dreamed I saw a building with a thousand floors,
A thousand windows and a thousand doors;
Not one of them was ours, my dear, not one of them was ours.

Does the poet really mean \'a thousand\' every time he mentions the number?
Choose the INCORRECT answer.

a) No, he repeats 'a thousand' for the effect of showing just how many places he has dreamed of living in, with not one place that was a home for him and his partner.
b) Yes, it was a dream, so having ' a thousand floors, a thousand windows and a  thousand doors' would be possible, to highlight the speaker's main problem or fear.
c)  The poet/speaker is using a device called hyperbole that exaggerates the possible truth for the purposes of effect, to show just how many places there are in the world, but not for them as he fears.
d) No, he does not mean it literally

Question : 6 of 25

Study the picture and text and answer the question.
What does customized mean?

attachment : 83131324325.png

a) it is a custom for certain cultures
b) made to specific requirements
c) to make music
d) to jump

Question : 7 of 25

What is the poster about?

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a) music phones
b) how to jump in the air
c) the beach
d) a jumping competition

Question : 8 of 25

Which option has the opposite meaning to "expensive"?

a) costly
b) pricey
c) cheap
d) luxurious

Question : 9 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

Went down the harbour and stood upon the quay,
Saw the fish swimming as if they were free:
Only ten feet away, my dear, only ten feet away.

Which option is not a possible meaning of "harbour"?

a) a place built for ships to arrive and leave a country via the ocean
b) a port built on the shore of an ocean where ships can dock and transport people or goods from one country to another via the ocean
c) a shop for all types of sea transport to be hired and bought and used at sea
d) the place where ships dock for their passengers to get on land

Question : 10 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

Came to a public meeting; the speaker got up and said:
\'If we let them in, they will steal our daily bread\';
He was talking of you and me, my dear, he was talking of you and me.

Which option is a more literal expression of the meaning of the sentence "If we let them in, they will steal our daily bread"?

a) If we allow them into our country, they will steal our meat.
b) If we let them into our country, they will take our jobs and opportunities meant for citizens.
c) If we let them into our country, they will eat the bread we bake every day.
d) If we allow them into our country, they will bake us bread.

Question : 11 of 25

Read the text and answer the question.

Went to a committee; they offered me a chair;
Asked me politely to return next year:
But where shall we go today, my dear, where shall we go today?

What was the speaker offered in this extract?  

a) He was given a chair and said to return with it next year
b) He was offered to chair a committee, to be chairman of a committee.
c) He was asked to sit down but then to return next year to be helped.
d) a position of leadership

Question : 12 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

Walked through a wood, saw birds in the trees;
They had no politicians and sang at their ease:
They weren\'t the human race, my dear, they weren\'t the human race.

Which option is a synonym for "a wood"?

a) trees
b) flowers
c) a forest
d) a tree trunk

Question : 13 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

Walked through a wood, saw birds in the trees;
They had no politicians and sang at their ease:
They weren\'t the human race, my dear, they weren\'t the human race.

According to the poem, what is a difference between birds and animals and the human race?

a) Birds can fly to the tops of trees and have wings and humans cannot, without air transport.
b) Birds and animals do not have politicians to be their leaders or give orders - they do as they please, unlike humans, who have to follow laws.
c) Birds and animals are free to travel the Earth and don't need passports, id's, or laws and politicians to survive and be counted as alive, unlike humans.
d) Birds and animals are just like the human race

Question : 14 of 25

Read the text and answer the question.

Say this city had ten million souls,
Some are living in mansions, some are living in holes:
Yet there\'s no place for us, my dear, yet there\'s no place for us.

What problem does the speaker face in Stanza 1? 

a) There's no safe place for him and his partner to live.
b) He and his partner have no place to live, no home
c) All foreigners are unwelcome.
d) They have no money

Question : 15 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.
Once we had a country and we thought it fair,
Look in the atlas and you\'ll find it there:
We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now.

Which option is not a synonym for the word "fair" in context in stanza 2?

a) lovely
b) pleasing
c) impartial
d) appealing

Question : 16 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

In the village churchyard there grows an old yew,
Every spring it blossoms anew:
Old passports can\'t do that, my dear, old passports can\'t do that.

In what season does the old yew blossom?

a) Spring
b) Autumn
c) Winter
d) Summer

Question : 17 of 25

Read the extract and answer the question.

In the village churchyard there grows an old yew,
Every spring it blossoms anew:
Old passports can't do that, my dear, old passports can't do that.

What could a yew be?

a) a tree
b) a flower
c) a goat
d) a sweet

Question : 18 of 25

Which option is NOT a reason why the couple cannot go back to their country?

a) They cannot return to their country because of a disruption of some kind
b) Maybe they ran out of money when they left and cannot afford plane tickets back
c) They have somehow because of an injustice or unfair situation become refugees, (illegal citizens) even in their own land
d) they do not have relevant passports anymore

Question : 19 of 25

What is an atlas?

attachment : 54131254565.mp3

a) a book of maps showing the countries and divisions of the world and their positions on  the Earth
b) a GPS that  gives us directions to all the locations of the world
c) a number we can call to find out the addresses of certain places
d) a tour guide

Question : 20 of 25

What words makes it obvious that the speaker in the poem is not alone and has a partner?  

a) place
b) my dear
c) are
d) ten million

Question : 21 of 25

What does the poet mean by "some are living in holes"?

a) some animals live in holes
b) some people are living in small living spaces like flats or rooms
c) some are living lives that are not completely whole
d) some people live in caves

Question : 22 of 25

Read the text and answer the question.

Say this city had ten million souls,
Some are living in mansions, some are living in holes:
Yet there's no place for us, my dear, yet there's no place for us.
Another commonly confused homophone in spoken English is used in the second line of the extract.
What is the word?

a) holes
b) living
c) mansions
d) none of the above

Question : 23 of 25

The word "soul" is a commonly confused homophone (a word that sounds the same as another word/s but means something different).
Which option is the word "soul" confused with?

a) sell
b) sole
c) same
d) sail

Question : 24 of 25

Which one of the options is not a synonym of "soul"? 

a) people
b) humans
c) individuals
d) shoes

Question : 25 of 25

Firstly listen to the audio by clicking on the audio icon.
Then answer the question.

What is the name of the poem?

attachment : 54131253485.mp3

a) Refugee Blues
b)  Blue Refugee
c) Blue Skies
d) 10 million souls